We are going even bigger in 2020 to rise up and demand that fossil fuel interests be kicked out of the international negotiating table for good.
The global elite have had a stranglehold on international climate negotiations for longer than we have been alive, controlling the fate of billions of people around the world. Fossil fuel CEOs, lobbyists, and their friends have held back the renewable revolution that we need to stop climate change for decades. And yet, as fires burn down entire towns and rising seas drown islands, the polluting elite that have vested interests in maintaining business-as-usual have been given a seat at the table to draft climate policy.
Young people have everything to lose in the climate crisis. However, we also have the opportunity to make sure our policy-making spaces at every level are free from the influence of the polluting elite. If young people rise up and demand that fossil fuel interests be kicked out of the international negotiating table for good, then we can stop the climate crisis from getting worse as a global community and enter a new age of global cooperation and prosperity.

In 2020, we plan to build the momentum by:
- Train over 100 youth in international climate policy, storytelling, direct action training, partnership building, and media engagement.
- Work alongside movements in the US to push presidential candidates to sign the pledge to support COI policy at UNFCCC.
- Demand that new president support a Conflict of Interest policy with high-level symbolic action/mobilization.
Stand up for climate justice – donate today.
We are going even bigger in 2020 to rise up and demand that fossil fuel interests be kicked out of the international negotiating table for good.
To make a donation through check, please make the check payable to “SustainUS, Inc” and mail to:
SustainUS, Inc.
2885 Sanford Ave SW #26379
Grandville, MI 49418
If you have a question about donating, please send an email to treasurer@sustainus.org. Thank you for your support!